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Central Control Cabin MCR01 Series

Central Control Cabin MCR01 Series

Central control cabin is a cabin in batching plant system with a central control panel in it, which is designed for operator's easier supervision on the system.

The cabin is insulated by yonolit and its inner coating is made of MDF and PVC and the lighting is supplied by halogen.

The outlets, keys, panel and other equipment are located within the cabin and are embedded in a way that is simple to use.

Mixo is able to design and manufacture these cabins in dimensions of 170×170 - 200×250 - 200×200 or in other dimensions according to the customers' needs.


Write one of the above – mentioned cabin dimensions in the related forms if you want to receive the quotation or your want to buy the product.

This product has 6 months guarantee and 5 years after sales service.

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